Dienstag, 13. April 2010

Kurse stehen fest

Hi allerseits!

Eigentlich sind es ja gar keine aktuellen News mehr, aber ich hatte jetzt einige Zeit keine Zeit, was zu posten...

Also, folgende Kurse werde ich machen:
- Corporate Leadership in Recovery (Vormittag)
- Business Success and Failure: Learning from the crisis (Nachmittag)

Hier auch die Kursbeschreibungen, falls es wen interessiert:

Corporate Ladership in Recovery:
The world faces crises on a global scale. We are more dependent on each other than ever before yet more divided about what, if anything, should be done. The severity of the recent financial crisis suggests we have the wrong model. To say we desperately need new leadership begs the question, what is leadership? What does it mean? In what direction should we steer? Why admire some leaders more than others?

This course makes one vital pre-supposition. The role of leaders is to reconcile the dilemmas which afflict those for whom they have responsibility. The course will examine the dilemmas of leadership, most of which are endemic to the human condition and which create the integral values by which we live. The course has eight sections.

Business Success and Failure: Learning from the crisis:
This course develops modes of thought and action to prepare individuals for and to survive crisis situations that organizations may face. Through reflecting on the events leading up to and defining the global financial crisis, and investigating past cases of organizational crises, students will develop skills to identify potential crisis triggers, recognize characteristics of organizational design and leadership practices to cope with critical situations. Students will learn interactively through role playing and simulations how crises offer the ability for some organizations to build resilience, rebuild their reputation, and potentially transform their business.

Crisis events can be turning points in a business’s life. Failure, not as appealing as success, provides the opportunity for individuals and organizations to learn and unlearn for crisis-preparedness. Students are encouraged to take a holistic view of the economic and financial crises as part of the business cycle and to appreciate the opportunities as well as the threats that these events can trigger. Specifically, this course aims to enable students to:

1. Appreciate the opportunities, threats and outcomes of crisis events for organizations
2. Widen and deepen their understanding of individuals’ judgment under uncertainty and learning behaviors
3. Apply conceptual frameworks and theoretical approaches to analyze individuals and organizations’ crisis preparedness and coping mechanisms
4. Identify the characteristics and features of resilient organizations able to endure economic crises
5. Prepare and present a case study analysis of an organizational tragedy – what can we learn from failure?
6. Appreciate the process of creating and re-building customer brand loyalty

Jetzt muss ich nur noch alles zahlen, wollte das eigentlich schon letzte Woche machen, aber da kam eine komische koreanische Info-Meldung. Jetzt hab ich von der Uni in Korea die Info erhalten, dass das Zahlungssystem nicht funktioniert hat, ich das ganze also noch einmal machen muss. Mach ich morgen auf der FH, denn wie ihr alle wisst funktioniert bei mir am Laptop der Flashplayer noch immer nicht :(

Freu mich jetzt schon sehr auf die Summer School!!!! :) :) :) Freu mi a scho wieda sehr auf das gute koreanische Essen, die Leute dort, die Kultur, einfach auf Alles!

So, jetzt seit ihr ja wieder auf dem Laufenden. Meld mich wieder, wenn es was Neues gibt.

ciao, glg

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